How to build a solid UI
with Angular
1. Atoms
Build smallest UI components
must be very generic: label, title, hidden, disabled, item
must be very generic: clicked, closed, focused
- No backend models here
- Goal: maximize reusability
2. Molecules
Build UI components using atoms
- State for UI purposes only
- The data are given from inputs (no API calls yet)
- Wire atomic components together to build more complex UI
- Inputs and Outputs are still very generic
- Goal: encapsulate UI logic + maximize reusability
Molecule examples
- SearchBox
- List
- TabsView
- Menu
3. Organisms
Build UI components using molecules
- State only for UI purposes
- No API calls yet
- You start seeing backend models (user, bookings...) in Inputs and
- Wire atoms and molecules to build UI for your business
- Goal: encapsulate complex UI logic
Organism examples
- UserEditForm
- BookingList
- EventCalendar
4. Containers
Add life to organisms!
- Wrap organisms to make them smart
- Provide data to organism Inputs: by calling the APIs or linking your state manager
- React to organism outputs
- Heavy usage of dependency injection
- No UI here
- Goal: add business logic to UI
5. Layouts
The skeleton of your page
@ViewChild, @ViewChildren and <ng-content>
are your best friends here
- Goal: reuse common layouts, add consistency to your pages
Layout examples
- TwoColumnsLayout
- RootLayout (w/ Header and Footer)
6. Pages
Link components to Angular Route
- The first child is usually a layout
- They are called by Angular router
- Goal: wire routes to UI
Page examples
→ EventOverviewPage
→ EditUserPage
to build components "without distractions"
How to build a solid UI with Angular